This was a qualified point game. (5 players needed)
Hi all
This will be the last game of the season, it's game 15 of 15. My apologies to Marcel for bumping his game on April 28th.
Since this is the last game of the season, I'm going all out. It's going to be a Saturday night of poker madness.
Points game starts at 4:00pm, 25/25 cash game will start at 10:00pm, or whenever the final table merge happens.
Buffet supper will be served at first break around 5:45ish. We'll break for 1 hr to enjoy spaghetti & meatballs, seafood chowder, hot dogs, some gluten free friendly items, etc., and a few drinks. Let's hope for spring weather because the patio will be wide open. I'll also have the spare bedroom ready for anyone who wants it. Please RSVP.
That pretty much covers it. I may have a few other surprises, who knows.