Favorite Hole Cards |
any pocket pair (mmmmmnice pair)
Least Favorite Hole Cards |
10, 5 even if they are suited
Favorite Suit |

Favorite Saying |
who needs a woman when you've got a good hand
Favorite Pocket Pair |
ah duhh, aces?
Favorite Professional |
Doc Holliday
Most Memorable Moment |
Season 7 Big Pot Game...I achieved what we all aspire to, and the reason for which poker is played: to become the Moncton Poker Club's "season championship winner." aka mfc.
Least Memorable Moment |
I forget
Person You Want To See Lose |
Favorite Thing Besides Poker |
Poken (giggety giggety goo)
How I Started Playing Poker |
great grandfather taught me, Canadian Blind Crib Champion, (no joke)